Months back, I was surprised by the answer of an elder in a church while I talked about teaching theologically right interpretation and about the importance of sound doctrine in a church. His answer was, “I don’t preach or teach theology in the church, I like to preach things that touch the hearts of the people, making them feel good and praise God!” I was so shocked by this statement as this was basically focussing on the things that the people want to hear rather than preaching what God wants the elders or the pastors to preach in the church.

Many churches in this generation are following this trend directly or indirectly and this attracts the crowd to attend those services as they find temporary happiness in them. The preachings and teachings of Jesus, the disciples and the apostles were not blunt, they preached with authority and addressed people by their sins, to repent, turn from them and gave the invitation to follow Jesus by denying themselves. 

So, is theology important in a church? When we consider the word, ‘theology’, the first half of theology is theo-, which means god in Greek. The suffix -logy means “the study of,” so theology literally means “the study of God.

  1. We get to know God through theology: The central pursuit of biblical theology is to better understand God’s nature and how He works in the world. A person who says that Jesus is enough and theology is unimportant should understand the fact that, the moment you learn, and teach the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you are preaching the knowledge about God. When someone exhorts a newly wedded couple about their roles, “husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her,” how can someone know how Christ loved the church without quoting the depth of agape love andexplanigthe theology! The foundation of everything, whether it’s a family or a church, Biblical theology is essential for harmony. 
  2. To defend our faith: Without knowing the context and historical setting of the scriptures, people misinterpret and teach others the same. A solid foundation in the doctrine is essential to discern and identify these false teachers. The greatest fight the church faces in this generation is the gradual influence of false doctrines. Many false teachings might have started as a tongue slip and have grown up into real disasters as none addressed it as they considered it a minute fault! A church that teaches sound doctrine might not bring joy to our hearts but it is preparing us for eternity.
  3. Practical Christian life: Gazing upon the holiness of God makes us humble to know more of Him and the urge to be with God from this sinful world compels us to lead a victorious Christian life by relying on His grace alone. The practical side of the Christian life is walking through the difficult way and entering the kingdom through the narrow gate. Sound doctrines and theology never illuminate the broad way and the wide gate. If a Biblical interpretation is compelling us to grow our roots deeper in this world and to put our hope for the 70 or 80 years of life on this earth, they are flooding lights to the wide gate. The practical Christian life is a call to deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow Jesus.

The knowledge of God must never just confine to a secular level, instead, it must compel us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Be on guard against the influence of the world on the church, and defend the faith to which we are called for. Even the minute doctrinal issues within the church must be confronted with grace. Learn the scriptures, walk in His path and let’s prepare others as well!