Devotional Portion: ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭13:5

But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

We see a drastic change in the tone of his prayer in this verse. Most of his psalms begin with pain, anguish, and sighing; but when it ends, he sings praises and can see that his faith roots stronger in the Lord. The people of this world begin in joy and excitement and nights end on a sad note. “It is worthy to be observed that the joy is all the greater because of the previous sorrow, as calm is all the more delightful in recollection of the preceding tempest.” Charles Spurgeon. 

We could see the confidence in David, “But I have trusted in Your mercy.” Sometimes, the silence of God helps us to take a pause and recollect what God has done in the past. It will enlighten our eyes and inspire us to trust Him more. “Faith is now in exercise, and consequently is readily discovered; there is never a doubt in our heart about the existence of faith while it is in action: when the hare or partridge is quiet we see it not, but let the same be in motion and we soon perceive.” Charles Spurgeon. David learned that nothing in this world will make him strong and his confidence in the Lord increased and made him to trust the Lord while in the dark. 

My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

David found the reason for his joy in the Lord- salvation. The salvation that God gave us is the only solid ground that we can stand upon and rejoice in His marvellous works. “Sweet is the music which sounds from the strings of the heart. But this is not all; the voice joins itself in the blessed work, and the tongue keeps tune with the soul, while the writer declares, “I will sing unto the Lord.” Charles Spurgeon.

Reflection: When in distress, pause and recap what God has done in your life.